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Pano MeriaTinos

Pentostrato & Falatados

By March 22, 2022No Comments


We are already in the middle of the island, “Mesi” for the locals. This place is also called Pentostrato, the cross point of roads leading to all 4 destinations. At the entrance of the village one meets the parish, the church of the Archangels as well as the Monastery of St Francis. Don’t miss the Folklore Museum of Agricultural Tools.


Falatados is the next village. It’s an old village dating from 1400. Dimitris Vlassis’ homeland, the worker who was the first to face the miraculous icon of Panaghia in 1823. In the village there is the old aqueduct, the so-called “Paliomantra” (it was built between 1750 and 1850). Here you will also find the houses of Sketch, the first sketch museum in the greater region of the Southeast Mediterranean, founded by the Mitropoulos Brothers. If you come in September, a period of many feasts on the occasion of raki production, don’t miss “Rakizio”, the great local festival.

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